National Children's Ministries
“…that they should make them known unto their children: That the generation to come might know them…that they might set their hope in God” Psalms 78: 5-7 are key verses for the National Childrens Ministry Department.
Someone said many years ago that if we build up children, we will not have to repair adults. The National Childrens Ministry Department of (NCM) has a Mission Statement that reflects this: - We aim to build up children inside the church so that they can reach children outside the church!!!
For our local churches we have an active Facebook page with information for Childrens Ministry workers that is regular updated with articles, songs and other relevant information.
NCM offers that training seminars in regional areas and can offer one to one assistance and mentoring to the local church.For our children, we aim to make our National Conference and exciting experience!!!
We have services that are especially for children using local and overseas ministries. Each year at conference the children also participate in the Childrens choir.Our annual event is the First Sunday in September we call Generation2Generation where we ask the local church to have the children participate in the service and donate an offering to National Children's Ministry.
Helen Cook